Active channels
Household brand name NL
“If you’re not 100% sure you can do it in-house, partner up. The sooner, the better.” - Check out Theorie Toppers' success story to find out how they achieved some incredible results!
Recognized as the best brand on TikTok by The Best Social Media 2022, TikTok Creator of the Month, Trending on Snapchat, the launch of their own AR lens in partnership with Snapchat, and rapid growth in the community on the fastest growing social media platforms out there! If there's one brand that is building a real social empire, it is Theorie Toppers. Makes sense, because when we asked the Berkleef brothers about their ambitious marketing goals; they stated: “Before 2025, we want to become a household brand name in the Netherlands.”
Theorie Toppers helps people pass the car, moped, and motorcycle theory exam through a great video course with practice exams.
In addition to strong content creation, Theorie Toppers also focuses strongly on their brand’s presence through digital advertising. To manage their digital advertising, they found a good partner in The Next Ad.
“We wanted to focus on the core business and keep our dedication to optimizing our own services, but we also wanted to advertise on search and social media as specific as possible. Therefore, we were looking for a partner with the right knowledge, ambition, and a proven track record. We found this partner in all facets at The Next Ad.”
The power and also the challenge in digital advertising for Theorie Toppers is tracking visitors and collecting the correct data. “And how beneficial if you can pass along this challenge to your partner in digital advertising. Because The Next Ad as a partner is just like employing a full-time digital advertiser.”
Especially now, since third-party cookies are being restricted from all sides (for example, due to iOS restrictions), the power of a specialized agency comes to the fore more than ever. It allows us to focus on what we do best: creating content. And enables The Next Ad, with their knowledge and market insights, to effectively distribute this content across all our social channels.
Active channels
Household brand name NL
With a wide range of channels, including TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Google Search, and YouTube, Theorie Toppers knows how to dominate the market with their content. Based on a concrete growth plan, Theorie Toppers and The Next Ad work closely together to become the household brand in car, moped, and motorcycle theory. Using omnichannel strategies, the best data processes, target group segmentation, and personalized approaches, Theorie Toppers continues to grow exponentially.
After working together for over three years, the Theorie Toppers team is confident about the result. “We have seen our online presence grow exponentially. Alongside, our sales went sky high.”
Besides growing our brand and business, it is also great to work with a partner who works hard and is involved, in which fun and purpose are a central point of focus.
When we finally asked, what would you like to advise to co-entrepreneurs? Berkleef finally answered:
“If you’re not 100% sure you can do it in-house, partner up. The sooner, the better.”
Channels used
Google Search
Active channels
Household brand name NL
“If you’re not 100% sure you can do it in-house, partner up. The sooner, the better.” - Check out Theorie Toppers' success story to find out how they achieved some incredible results!
Recognized as the best brand on TikTok by The Best Social Media 2022, TikTok Creator of the Month, Trending on Snapchat, the launch of their own AR lens in partnership with Snapchat, and rapid growth in the community on the fastest growing social media platforms out there! If there's one brand that is building a real social empire, it is Theorie Toppers. Makes sense, because when we asked the Berkleef brothers about their ambitious marketing goals; they stated: “Before 2025, we want to become a household brand name in the Netherlands.”
Theorie Toppers helps people pass the car, moped, and motorcycle theory exam through a great video course with practice exams.
In addition to strong content creation, Theorie Toppers also focuses strongly on their brand’s presence through digital advertising. To manage their digital advertising, they found a good partner in The Next Ad.
“We wanted to focus on the core business and keep our dedication to optimizing our own services, but we also wanted to advertise on search and social media as specific as possible. Therefore, we were looking for a partner with the right knowledge, ambition, and a proven track record. We found this partner in all facets at The Next Ad.”
The power and also the challenge in digital advertising for Theorie Toppers is tracking visitors and collecting the correct data. “And how beneficial if you can pass along this challenge to your partner in digital advertising. Because The Next Ad as a partner is just like employing a full-time digital advertiser.”
Especially now, since third-party cookies are being restricted from all sides (for example, due to iOS restrictions), the power of a specialized agency comes to the fore more than ever. It allows us to focus on what we do best: creating content. And enables The Next Ad, with their knowledge and market insights, to effectively distribute this content across all our social channels.
Active channels
Household brand name NL
With a wide range of channels, including TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Google Search, and YouTube, Theorie Toppers knows how to dominate the market with their content. Based on a concrete growth plan, Theorie Toppers and The Next Ad work closely together to become the household brand in car, moped, and motorcycle theory. Using omnichannel strategies, the best data processes, target group segmentation, and personalized approaches, Theorie Toppers continues to grow exponentially.
After working together for over three years, the Theorie Toppers team is confident about the result. “We have seen our online presence grow exponentially. Alongside, our sales went sky high.”
Besides growing our brand and business, it is also great to work with a partner who works hard and is involved, in which fun and purpose are a central point of focus.
When we finally asked, what would you like to advise to co-entrepreneurs? Berkleef finally answered:
“If you’re not 100% sure you can do it in-house, partner up. The sooner, the better.”
Channels used
Google Search
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