
Advertising on YouTube: How To Get Started

4 Minutes

With YouTube ads, you can reach potential customers and encourage them to take action when they search or watch videos on YouTube. You only have to pay when consumers are showing interest in your ads. In this blog post, we will explain how Youtube ads work, how to get started, what the prices are, and what tools you can use. Read more!

What are YouTube Ads 

To start, it is important that you get an idea of ​​what YouTube Ads are. If you are a YouTube user yourself, you have surely waited for an ad before playing your selected video. These short ads are exactly the ads we are going to talk about today. 

YouTube is a free platform where users from all over the world can watch videos. Due to the great interest in these videos, the platform is widely used. The YouTubers are watching 2 billion videos every day! This enormous number is partly originated because many consumers have exchanged the channels on the television for the YouTube application. The advantage? Being able to decide what and when you watch a video with shorter advertisements in between, giving the viewer a smoother experience! 

The YouTube Ads can be played before and during the video. This presents you with the choice of two types of ads. The short and the longer version. With the short version, you have less time to convey your message, but the viewer does not have the option to skip the ad. With the long version, this is exactly the opposite. You get more time to convey your message, but the viewer can already skip the ad after 5 seconds. 

How do you start with YouTube Ads?

To give you an effective start with YouTube Ads we have put the basics together. Below we discuss the video creation, the target group targeting, and the costs (determination) for your first YouTube Ad! Make sure you are logged in with your YouTube Account and get started right away!

The video

YouTube Ads only consist of videos, so creating and uploading an ad video is your first step. Now there are three types of ad-options you can choose from: 

  1. TrueView In-stream ads ensure that your company's video ads are being shown to the right people just before they watch the “main” video.
  2. TrueView video discovery ads appear on the YouTube home page or when people search YouTube. Use this format when you are looking for a way to reinforce your message.
  3. Bumpers last only six seconds. They are a great way to get people's attention on smartphones. Use them as standalone ads or in conjunction with a TrueView campaign.

Make sure your video looks professional and create a catchy start, a say-it-all midsection, and a call-to-action at the end. 

If you have no experience creating videos yourself, you can use the video service YouTube or place an ad on's creative platform Fiverr. Both platforms know exactly what a good advertising video needs to look like and therefore save you time and effort. 

The target group targeting

As you may already know, YouTube is part of Google, so you can easily use Google's Database. This means that audience targeting is a lot easier for you! 

Select the locations where you want to show your ads and indicate which target group you want to reach. Even though it is attractive to reach as many people as possible, we still recommend that you advertise as specified as possible “If you're selling to everyone, you're selling to no one.”. A tightly aligned target group targeting will ensure a better conversion rate. 

If you do not understand certain terms in the target group targeting or if you need a refresher, you can use this page from Google about targeting for video campaigns. 

The Costs

Now that the video is ready and your target group has been determined, it is time to determine the costs. YouTube Ads has a system that ensures that you only pay when people view the whole ad or interacts with it. This means that someone views your ad for at least thirty seconds or does something with your ads such as clicking on a call-to-action overlay, a card, or a companion banner. 

Most companies start with a budget of around 10 euros per day for local campaigns. If you want to reach a wider group of potential customers, we recommend that you do this via The Next Ad.

Tips for your first YouTube Ads 

You only have one first chance, and it would be a shame if you don't take full advantage of the ads right away. We have created a list of tips that can make your first advertisement on YouTube more successful. Check it out! 

1. Get a Catchy Start

A common mistake companies make with their YouTube ads is focussing on the “good part” of their ad. 

Running an ad that can be skipped doesn't keep your audience engaged in that approach. They are skipped after five seconds because you have not given them a reason to keep watching. If you're running an ad that can't be skipped, people probably won't notice your ad.

To avoid this behaviour, work on creating ads that immediately grab your audience's attention. Provide an exciting hook or ask a question directly. Getting attention early can make sure they stick around and stay engaged for the entire duration of the ad.

2. Inspire Viewers to Take Action

In your video ad, it is important to have a good call-to-action. Think of a question for the viewers, tell about the purpose of your product/service and why this can help the customer, or come up with a good deal. In addition, it is important to clarify what the customer must do to get in touch with your company. In the video, you can refer to the button with the link to your website. 

3. Be original

There are millions of ads when you surf the internet. Make sure your ad is original so that potential customers keep watching. Dare to get out of your comfort zone and be unique in what you do! 

4. Use remarketing

We recommend that you use remarketing for your YouTube ads. This ensures that your product/service sticks better to your potential customers. You can create remarketing lists by linking your YouTube channel to your Google Ads account. Remarketing allows you to filter on the following customer activities:

  • Watched a video from a channel 
  • Watched selected videos 
  • Watched a video (as an ad) from a channel 
  • Watched selected videos (as ads)
  • Subscribed to a channel
  • Visited a homepage from a channel
  • Watched a video from a channel
  • Added every video from a channel to a playlist
  • Shared a video from a channel 

What did you learn today?

After this blog, you understand what YouTube is and what kind of ads are offered. You also learned what to consider when you create an advertisement yourself, and who to contact if you don't have the material/time or the ability to make a video yourself. The tips and tricks at the end of the blog ensure that you can have an effective start with your first advertisement in your first ad. 
If you still need more help with your YouTube Ads, we recommend that you contact us. We are experts in digital advertising and ensure that our customers can achieve their goals.

Rogier Lunter

Content Creator

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Advertising on YouTube: How To Get Started

4 Minutes

With YouTube ads, you can reach potential customers and encourage them to take action when they search or watch videos on YouTube. You only have to pay when consumers are showing interest in your ads. In this blog post, we will explain how Youtube ads work, how to get started, what the prices are, and what tools you can use. Read more!

What are YouTube Ads 

To start, it is important that you get an idea of ​​what YouTube Ads are. If you are a YouTube user yourself, you have surely waited for an ad before playing your selected video. These short ads are exactly the ads we are going to talk about today. 

YouTube is a free platform where users from all over the world can watch videos. Due to the great interest in these videos, the platform is widely used. The YouTubers are watching 2 billion videos every day! This enormous number is partly originated because many consumers have exchanged the channels on the television for the YouTube application. The advantage? Being able to decide what and when you watch a video with shorter advertisements in between, giving the viewer a smoother experience! 

The YouTube Ads can be played before and during the video. This presents you with the choice of two types of ads. The short and the longer version. With the short version, you have less time to convey your message, but the viewer does not have the option to skip the ad. With the long version, this is exactly the opposite. You get more time to convey your message, but the viewer can already skip the ad after 5 seconds. 

How do you start with YouTube Ads?

To give you an effective start with YouTube Ads we have put the basics together. Below we discuss the video creation, the target group targeting, and the costs (determination) for your first YouTube Ad! Make sure you are logged in with your YouTube Account and get started right away!

The video

YouTube Ads only consist of videos, so creating and uploading an ad video is your first step. Now there are three types of ad-options you can choose from: 

  1. TrueView In-stream ads ensure that your company's video ads are being shown to the right people just before they watch the “main” video.
  2. TrueView video discovery ads appear on the YouTube home page or when people search YouTube. Use this format when you are looking for a way to reinforce your message.
  3. Bumpers last only six seconds. They are a great way to get people's attention on smartphones. Use them as standalone ads or in conjunction with a TrueView campaign.

Make sure your video looks professional and create a catchy start, a say-it-all midsection, and a call-to-action at the end. 

If you have no experience creating videos yourself, you can use the video service YouTube or place an ad on's creative platform Fiverr. Both platforms know exactly what a good advertising video needs to look like and therefore save you time and effort. 

The target group targeting

As you may already know, YouTube is part of Google, so you can easily use Google's Database. This means that audience targeting is a lot easier for you! 

Select the locations where you want to show your ads and indicate which target group you want to reach. Even though it is attractive to reach as many people as possible, we still recommend that you advertise as specified as possible “If you're selling to everyone, you're selling to no one.”. A tightly aligned target group targeting will ensure a better conversion rate. 

If you do not understand certain terms in the target group targeting or if you need a refresher, you can use this page from Google about targeting for video campaigns. 

The Costs

Now that the video is ready and your target group has been determined, it is time to determine the costs. YouTube Ads has a system that ensures that you only pay when people view the whole ad or interacts with it. This means that someone views your ad for at least thirty seconds or does something with your ads such as clicking on a call-to-action overlay, a card, or a companion banner. 

Most companies start with a budget of around 10 euros per day for local campaigns. If you want to reach a wider group of potential customers, we recommend that you do this via The Next Ad.

Tips for your first YouTube Ads 

You only have one first chance, and it would be a shame if you don't take full advantage of the ads right away. We have created a list of tips that can make your first advertisement on YouTube more successful. Check it out! 

1. Get a Catchy Start

A common mistake companies make with their YouTube ads is focussing on the “good part” of their ad. 

Running an ad that can be skipped doesn't keep your audience engaged in that approach. They are skipped after five seconds because you have not given them a reason to keep watching. If you're running an ad that can't be skipped, people probably won't notice your ad.

To avoid this behaviour, work on creating ads that immediately grab your audience's attention. Provide an exciting hook or ask a question directly. Getting attention early can make sure they stick around and stay engaged for the entire duration of the ad.

2. Inspire Viewers to Take Action

In your video ad, it is important to have a good call-to-action. Think of a question for the viewers, tell about the purpose of your product/service and why this can help the customer, or come up with a good deal. In addition, it is important to clarify what the customer must do to get in touch with your company. In the video, you can refer to the button with the link to your website. 

3. Be original

There are millions of ads when you surf the internet. Make sure your ad is original so that potential customers keep watching. Dare to get out of your comfort zone and be unique in what you do! 

4. Use remarketing

We recommend that you use remarketing for your YouTube ads. This ensures that your product/service sticks better to your potential customers. You can create remarketing lists by linking your YouTube channel to your Google Ads account. Remarketing allows you to filter on the following customer activities:

  • Watched a video from a channel 
  • Watched selected videos 
  • Watched a video (as an ad) from a channel 
  • Watched selected videos (as ads)
  • Subscribed to a channel
  • Visited a homepage from a channel
  • Watched a video from a channel
  • Added every video from a channel to a playlist
  • Shared a video from a channel 

What did you learn today?

After this blog, you understand what YouTube is and what kind of ads are offered. You also learned what to consider when you create an advertisement yourself, and who to contact if you don't have the material/time or the ability to make a video yourself. The tips and tricks at the end of the blog ensure that you can have an effective start with your first advertisement in your first ad. 
If you still need more help with your YouTube Ads, we recommend that you contact us. We are experts in digital advertising and ensure that our customers can achieve their goals.

Rogier Lunter

Content Creator

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